We had an issue with 'losing' some of our nice new finish tokens from Hartlepool Parkrun. We ended up replacing them with spares from our old set of tokens, but these were worn and difficult to scan, and had been repaired using barcode stickers which wear off easily.
The main parkrun web site gives the ability to print out a finish toke bar code, but they are not the same size as the real tokens so do not stack nicely with the original tokens.
To get around this I wrote a Python script that will generate SVG images of a requested set of finish tokens. These can be printed out, laminated and cut to the same size as the original tokens. The python scripts are here: https://github.com/jones139/parkrun_tokens
I know that some people that might find this useful will struggle with using a python script from the command line, so I made a simple web app that presents the script as a web page to allow the user to specify the parkrun name to be printed on the tokens along with the list of tokens to generate. The token generator web app is running here: https://barcodes.ddns.net.
A typical A4 sized SVG output image is shown below:
Once the page is printed, laminated and cut to size, the completed set of tokens looks like this:
We have not had any issues with scanning these tokens - they seem to work as well as the originals (at least for the first few weeks that we have been using them - they may well deteriorate after a few very rainy Saturdays!).